A question was asked resently about why am I writing all these articles about internet business, marketing and such when the name of my blog is "Kids' Keys To Success"? Isn't this blog suppose to be about Parenting and being the best parent you want to be? Well, the answer is, "Yes" and the reason I have been writing these articles becasue that is what my readers have been asking me about.
Which you know, really makes sense and ties in with "being the best parent you want to be" and this is why... I have recently been doing a lot of reading and research lately and I am learning that the best way for me to be a parent and a person is to be as financially successful as I can be.
See, I was trained to be a social worker and practiced therapy for many years with trauma victims, so, I thought I knew what was the best way I could "give back" to my community. I thought for many years it was the long hours I put in volunteering, working as a therapist, writing up treatment plans, steering down defense attornies in the court room as I explained the emotional, physical and spirital toll abuse has on a survivor, etc.
Although those are all great ways to give back as I know there are other super great ways to give that many people do every moment, I have come to realize there is an even a better way. If I was able to make enough money; to become successful/financially free, then, more than likely, I would not only be financially in good health but also emotinally and spiritually in good health. See, the doors have been opening up to me and revealing some personal truths.
I have realized that not only is the key to well-being, living a balanced life but living a financially-free balanced life. Thus, the freedom to choose how I want to spend my money and where I want to spend my money. Living from paycheck to paycheck and working super long hours was not helping me live a life in balance - emotionally, physically, spiritually or financially.
See although, I graduated with a Master's in Social Work from a great school and always worked super hard (60+ hours/week) I wasn't making even $24,000 a year. Let alone the emotional drain of the type of work I did. The rule: work hard, go to school, do well, and you will be rewarded just was not the case for me. As a newly married person without any kids, it really didn't matter in the beginning because all I really needed to do was support myself but as the years past and I earned only a little more due to our annual 1% raise (FYI: working for non-profits is not profitable!) , I new I would need to earn a whole lot more if I wanted to go back to work and make it meaningful to be away from my kids.
Plus, in order to do that sort of work I would be looking at long hours again, little pay-off financially, and being away from my kids which I did not want. Anyway, this brings me back to the reason why I began this article, I can do so much more for my community and people in general if I was financially free. So, I started my own business: My American Dream.
My Best Life Now © 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Making Life Easy with Low-Cost Marketing
One of largest expenses of running your business is promotion and advertising, especially for a new or small business. Making your business known in a community at the lowest possible cost can be tricky and time consuming. However, there are many ways a business can do this.
A pet breeder in a large city was struggling for several years-until he came up with a novel idea. He started giving away customized "birth certificates" for the pets he sold. Almost immediately, his sales rose more than 10 percent. Now you even see specialty stuffed animal stores offering "birth certificates" with the purchase of a lovable critter!
The owner of a new home cleaning service was trying to attract clients. She couldn't afford much advertising, so she began offering "home cleaning seminars" to civic groups. After two months of seminars, she was swamped with inquiries and clients. So what may have looked as though the seminar would detract from her business because of 'teaching others to do what she was doing", it did just the opposite!
Promotion often makes the critical difference between business success and failure. Customers or clients always want to know about a business or product line before they'll buy and they must have a reason or justify their emotional reaction to buy.
If you are trying to promote your business now, you can move in one of two directions: 1) You can take the conventional route to promotion and mount an elaborate media campaign, spending a considerable amount of money or 2) You can let your creative juices flow and mount a low-cost promotion effort, using a potpourri of attention-getting gimmicks to bring your message to the buying public.
Please remember, conventional advertising is valuable. If your business is large enough or if you're selling a large product line, you may find that a full-fledged media campaign is the most efficient and cost effective way to promote your business.
However, if money is tight or you're not sure you can afford the hefty cost of a media campaign over a period of time, here is a list of low-cost techniques you can try. (Caution: Do Not try to do them all...some are not appropriate for all types of businesses and it would be too costly to do them all. Find the ones that you think will work the best for you and give them a try.)
1. GIVEAWAYS: People love to receive "free" items, especially items they can use to gain knowledge or improve their lives. You can base an entire promotional campaign on this desire. For instance, if you're running a furniture repair business you could give away a furniture repair brochure, free furniture planning guides, or color swatches. Once you begin giving away authoritative information customers will begin to perceive you as an expert in your field.
2. NEWS CREATION: Want to get names and news from your business in the local newspaper? It may be easier that you think. If you don't have any news to report to the local media, create some. Maybe you've taken on a new associate. Or maybe you're selling an unusual product line. Or maybe you've opened a free advice center for the community. Or maybe you've received an award from a civic or professional group. Local Pennysavers and weekly are often quite interested in business news of this sort and can help you attract the attention of thousands of people.
Also, look what is happening in the news and run on the coat-tails of that. Such as, a new piece of jewelry you created would be perfect for the "grandma who has everything" for Mother's Day. Or say there was a terrible car accident that was caused by a teen who was texting on his cell phone and you invented a piece of software that parents can use to block cell and texting use in a moving car. It is certainly a tragedy, but your product would certainly be more "in demand" by parents!
Just keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities where your product /services could really help your customers. The best product is one that customers are in demand of "right now".
3. EVENTS: You may be able to attract the attention of the media or a crowd by staging a special promotional event. If you run a fitness classes, for instance, you could stage a celebrity instructor day. If you're promoting a new real estate business, you can offer tours of a model home in the area. If you're selling children's products and it's springtime, you can offer lunch with the Easter bunny. Get the idea?
4. CHARITY TIE-INS: Are you launching a new product? Trying to increase visibility among a particular segment of your community? Offer your product to one or more local charities as a raffle prize or for use at a fund raising event such as a silent auction. You'll receive lots of exposure among people who buy tickets or attend the event.
5. CONTESTS: Offer a desirable or unique item-or even several items-as contest prizes. First, find a contest theme that tiers into your business. A caterer might offer a quiche-eating contest. A photographer might offer a young model contest. A mail order craft firm might offer an "Early American" handicrafts contest. Invite contest submissions and offer prizes to the winners. Do contests attract attention? You bet. All it takes is a few signs, a small press announcement or two, and the word will spread throughout the community grapevine.
6. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Nothing brings you to the attention of the people faster-or more favorably-than community service. Ask yourself how your enterprise can be a "good neighbor" to your community. If you're running a lawn care and gardening service, perhaps you can offer one season's services at no charge to a needy charitable organization or nursing home in your area. Hundreds of people will hear about your work in the process. Volunteer for various community causes. If appropriate, you can step in during community emergency, offering products and services to help an organization or individuals in need.
7. COUPONING: Americans are very coupon-conscious. Test the market... what level of coupons will increase the volume of various product or service lines? When you get some tentative answers, start distributing coupons that offer a discount on your services. Distribute them to area newspapers, on store counters, in door-to-door- mail packets (which can often be quite inexpensive), at the public library, at laundromats, at any location where people congregate.
8. BADGES AND NOVELTIES: You can easily and inexpensively produce badges, bumper stickers, book covers, and other novelty items for distribution in your area. You can imprint your business name and the first names of the customers on many of these products at little cost and distribute them for free. Or you can tie your novelty program into a contest: once a month, you can offer a prize to any individual whose car happens to carry one of your bumper stickers or badges with peel-off coupons, redeemable at your place of business.
9. CELEBRITY VISITS: With a bit of persistence, you may be able to arrange to have a local media celebrity, public official, or entertainment personally-even a fictitious cartoon character or clown-visit your service. The celebrity can sign autographs, read stories to children, perform cooking demonstrations, or perform any one of a hundred other traffic-building activities.10. CELEBRATE HOLIDAYS: You'll probably want to celebrate major public holidays with special sales. But celebrate some of theoffbeat holidays as well. Almost every business has a few little-known holidays. Ever hear of National Pickle Day, for instance? Or Cat Lovers Month? Once you find the "right" holiday, you can sponsor a special sale or special product arrange special media coverage of a holiday event.
11. GO WHERE THE PEOPLE ARE: Can you open sales information booths at community fairs and festivals? This promotional technique can work for gift retailers, craftspeople, and personal service firms. If you have the people and the time, can you handle regional fairs or even trade shows?
12. MAILING LISTS: Once you begin establishing a committed clientele, (perhaps you have an "opt-in" box on your site to collect names and emails) gather their names on a mailing list and start emailing! It is free and a great way to remind people of your services and products!) Plus, save the names from your mail orders and telephone inquiries. Eventually, you'll be able to send product circulars or even catalogs to the folks on your list and you'll be able to promise your products by mail. (** the best customer is one who has already purchased something from you!**)
13. SCAVENGER HUNTS: If you want people to buy NOW, offer them an unbeatable deal. If they bring an old product-a small appliance, a book, whatever-to you, you'll give them a worthwhile discount on a comparable new item. Or stage a general purpose scavenger hunt. Customers who bring in three canned goods for your community's food bank will receive a discount on products purchased that day.
14. PARTIES: Everyone loves a party. Why not celebrate the anniversary of your business or some special holiday by offering baked goods and beverages? If you're running a service business, perhaps you can offer an open house or obtain a small banquet room in your community. Besides refreshments, be sure the place is brightly decorated.
15. GREETING CARDS: Do you send out greeting cards to major customers or clients? Holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries make nicegreeting card occasions. Greeting cards create enormous goodwill and keep your name in front of people and associated you with a positive event or good feelings.
16. SEMINARS: In this information hungry age, people love to receive advice, especially about their personal needs and hobbies. If you sell health foods or run fitness classes, perhaps you can offer "wellness" seminars during lunchtime to your area's business community. If you're an interior decorator, perhaps you can offer one-hour decorating workshops to any group of ten people who will gather in someone's home. If you're running a printing business, perhaps you can offer tours and layout seminars at your plant.17. TELESEMINARS: Do you know what can align you with the experts? Interviewing the experts! For very low cost, you can invite an expert in your field to to an interview and record it and then write articles, press releases, etc. Customers automatically align you with experts when you are recorded with them.
18. TESTIMONIES: Has anyone ever given you a testimonial without even asking? Or even if you have asked for feedback about your product or services what your customers say about your product is almost more important to your potential customers than what you have to say.
Testimonials provide social proof and authority to your services and products. If you are looking to increase your targeted traffic or your exposure, increase your publicity efforts.
Advertise in the media if you can or must. But don't neglect your greatest promotional asset-your mind! Ask yourself what products, services, and events you can offer the community and create a promotional strategy around them. You'll have to invest a bit of time and energy in the project, but the payoff will be worth it.
You'll save hundreds-or even thousands-of advertising dollars and, better yet, you'll travel a well-worn shortcut to profit.You know your products and services better than anyone! With a little effort you can make a big stir and start branding who you are and what your product/service stands for.
A pet breeder in a large city was struggling for several years-until he came up with a novel idea. He started giving away customized "birth certificates" for the pets he sold. Almost immediately, his sales rose more than 10 percent. Now you even see specialty stuffed animal stores offering "birth certificates" with the purchase of a lovable critter!
The owner of a new home cleaning service was trying to attract clients. She couldn't afford much advertising, so she began offering "home cleaning seminars" to civic groups. After two months of seminars, she was swamped with inquiries and clients. So what may have looked as though the seminar would detract from her business because of 'teaching others to do what she was doing", it did just the opposite!
Promotion often makes the critical difference between business success and failure. Customers or clients always want to know about a business or product line before they'll buy and they must have a reason or justify their emotional reaction to buy.
If you are trying to promote your business now, you can move in one of two directions: 1) You can take the conventional route to promotion and mount an elaborate media campaign, spending a considerable amount of money or 2) You can let your creative juices flow and mount a low-cost promotion effort, using a potpourri of attention-getting gimmicks to bring your message to the buying public.
Please remember, conventional advertising is valuable. If your business is large enough or if you're selling a large product line, you may find that a full-fledged media campaign is the most efficient and cost effective way to promote your business.
However, if money is tight or you're not sure you can afford the hefty cost of a media campaign over a period of time, here is a list of low-cost techniques you can try. (Caution: Do Not try to do them all...some are not appropriate for all types of businesses and it would be too costly to do them all. Find the ones that you think will work the best for you and give them a try.)
1. GIVEAWAYS: People love to receive "free" items, especially items they can use to gain knowledge or improve their lives. You can base an entire promotional campaign on this desire. For instance, if you're running a furniture repair business you could give away a furniture repair brochure, free furniture planning guides, or color swatches. Once you begin giving away authoritative information customers will begin to perceive you as an expert in your field.
2. NEWS CREATION: Want to get names and news from your business in the local newspaper? It may be easier that you think. If you don't have any news to report to the local media, create some. Maybe you've taken on a new associate. Or maybe you're selling an unusual product line. Or maybe you've opened a free advice center for the community. Or maybe you've received an award from a civic or professional group. Local Pennysavers and weekly are often quite interested in business news of this sort and can help you attract the attention of thousands of people.
Also, look what is happening in the news and run on the coat-tails of that. Such as, a new piece of jewelry you created would be perfect for the "grandma who has everything" for Mother's Day. Or say there was a terrible car accident that was caused by a teen who was texting on his cell phone and you invented a piece of software that parents can use to block cell and texting use in a moving car. It is certainly a tragedy, but your product would certainly be more "in demand" by parents!
Just keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities where your product /services could really help your customers. The best product is one that customers are in demand of "right now".
3. EVENTS: You may be able to attract the attention of the media or a crowd by staging a special promotional event. If you run a fitness classes, for instance, you could stage a celebrity instructor day. If you're promoting a new real estate business, you can offer tours of a model home in the area. If you're selling children's products and it's springtime, you can offer lunch with the Easter bunny. Get the idea?
4. CHARITY TIE-INS: Are you launching a new product? Trying to increase visibility among a particular segment of your community? Offer your product to one or more local charities as a raffle prize or for use at a fund raising event such as a silent auction. You'll receive lots of exposure among people who buy tickets or attend the event.
5. CONTESTS: Offer a desirable or unique item-or even several items-as contest prizes. First, find a contest theme that tiers into your business. A caterer might offer a quiche-eating contest. A photographer might offer a young model contest. A mail order craft firm might offer an "Early American" handicrafts contest. Invite contest submissions and offer prizes to the winners. Do contests attract attention? You bet. All it takes is a few signs, a small press announcement or two, and the word will spread throughout the community grapevine.
6. COMMUNITY SERVICE: Nothing brings you to the attention of the people faster-or more favorably-than community service. Ask yourself how your enterprise can be a "good neighbor" to your community. If you're running a lawn care and gardening service, perhaps you can offer one season's services at no charge to a needy charitable organization or nursing home in your area. Hundreds of people will hear about your work in the process. Volunteer for various community causes. If appropriate, you can step in during community emergency, offering products and services to help an organization or individuals in need.
7. COUPONING: Americans are very coupon-conscious. Test the market... what level of coupons will increase the volume of various product or service lines? When you get some tentative answers, start distributing coupons that offer a discount on your services. Distribute them to area newspapers, on store counters, in door-to-door- mail packets (which can often be quite inexpensive), at the public library, at laundromats, at any location where people congregate.
8. BADGES AND NOVELTIES: You can easily and inexpensively produce badges, bumper stickers, book covers, and other novelty items for distribution in your area. You can imprint your business name and the first names of the customers on many of these products at little cost and distribute them for free. Or you can tie your novelty program into a contest: once a month, you can offer a prize to any individual whose car happens to carry one of your bumper stickers or badges with peel-off coupons, redeemable at your place of business.
9. CELEBRITY VISITS: With a bit of persistence, you may be able to arrange to have a local media celebrity, public official, or entertainment personally-even a fictitious cartoon character or clown-visit your service. The celebrity can sign autographs, read stories to children, perform cooking demonstrations, or perform any one of a hundred other traffic-building activities.10. CELEBRATE HOLIDAYS: You'll probably want to celebrate major public holidays with special sales. But celebrate some of theoffbeat holidays as well. Almost every business has a few little-known holidays. Ever hear of National Pickle Day, for instance? Or Cat Lovers Month? Once you find the "right" holiday, you can sponsor a special sale or special product arrange special media coverage of a holiday event.
11. GO WHERE THE PEOPLE ARE: Can you open sales information booths at community fairs and festivals? This promotional technique can work for gift retailers, craftspeople, and personal service firms. If you have the people and the time, can you handle regional fairs or even trade shows?
12. MAILING LISTS: Once you begin establishing a committed clientele, (perhaps you have an "opt-in" box on your site to collect names and emails) gather their names on a mailing list and start emailing! It is free and a great way to remind people of your services and products!) Plus, save the names from your mail orders and telephone inquiries. Eventually, you'll be able to send product circulars or even catalogs to the folks on your list and you'll be able to promise your products by mail. (** the best customer is one who has already purchased something from you!**)
13. SCAVENGER HUNTS: If you want people to buy NOW, offer them an unbeatable deal. If they bring an old product-a small appliance, a book, whatever-to you, you'll give them a worthwhile discount on a comparable new item. Or stage a general purpose scavenger hunt. Customers who bring in three canned goods for your community's food bank will receive a discount on products purchased that day.
14. PARTIES: Everyone loves a party. Why not celebrate the anniversary of your business or some special holiday by offering baked goods and beverages? If you're running a service business, perhaps you can offer an open house or obtain a small banquet room in your community. Besides refreshments, be sure the place is brightly decorated.
15. GREETING CARDS: Do you send out greeting cards to major customers or clients? Holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries make nicegreeting card occasions. Greeting cards create enormous goodwill and keep your name in front of people and associated you with a positive event or good feelings.
16. SEMINARS: In this information hungry age, people love to receive advice, especially about their personal needs and hobbies. If you sell health foods or run fitness classes, perhaps you can offer "wellness" seminars during lunchtime to your area's business community. If you're an interior decorator, perhaps you can offer one-hour decorating workshops to any group of ten people who will gather in someone's home. If you're running a printing business, perhaps you can offer tours and layout seminars at your plant.17. TELESEMINARS: Do you know what can align you with the experts? Interviewing the experts! For very low cost, you can invite an expert in your field to to an interview and record it and then write articles, press releases, etc. Customers automatically align you with experts when you are recorded with them.
18. TESTIMONIES: Has anyone ever given you a testimonial without even asking? Or even if you have asked for feedback about your product or services what your customers say about your product is almost more important to your potential customers than what you have to say.
Testimonials provide social proof and authority to your services and products. If you are looking to increase your targeted traffic or your exposure, increase your publicity efforts.
Advertise in the media if you can or must. But don't neglect your greatest promotional asset-your mind! Ask yourself what products, services, and events you can offer the community and create a promotional strategy around them. You'll have to invest a bit of time and energy in the project, but the payoff will be worth it.
You'll save hundreds-or even thousands-of advertising dollars and, better yet, you'll travel a well-worn shortcut to profit.You know your products and services better than anyone! With a little effort you can make a big stir and start branding who you are and what your product/service stands for.
Free Advertising,
low cost,
Marketing Stratagies,
Work At Home
Discount Shopping Makes Me Happy
Just because of all the sky-rocketing prices, I know all of us are looking to minimize our costs.... So, I wanted to let you know I have helped to develop a new site to shop at some of our favorite the stores(Amazon, eBay, Toys R Us, etc.) to seriousely save time, moeny, and cut back on (and my goal... to eliminate) the actual "drive" to the store.
What could be better right?
Here Are Some Benefits For You:- Convenient Shopping On Your Terms
- The Store is your one-stop source for some of the best products at the best prices in business today. Whether it's big brand name high dollar items or obscure products or services, you can find what you're looking for.
- Enjoy the added convenience of a single login, shopping cart and simple checkout.
- And we can even show you how You can make money by referring people to Amazon, eBay and others, including our 24 Hour Web Cash Referral Program and more.
SHOP with Confidence
- One Simple Shopping basket and checkout for all of your items
- Access to all stores and multiple items from stores like Amazon, eBay, Toys R Us, and more...
- Your account information is securely stored for speedy ordering
COMPARE millions of products in over 400 categories and over 1.37 million products in multiple stores, all in one, easy access (your computer!) location.
You can shop 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and browse the most popular name brand name items from the best stores.
This is the really awesome part...You can make Money And Sell Your own Products and Services! You can even make money from referring people to my store! This is really an ingenious idea. So, SAVE Time And Money With Our One Stop Shop. It is even set up so you can search by product description, store and even best price. I wish I had thought it up all by myself!
Plus, you can register to win $100 in store credits each month!
What is easier... Fast and easy shopping with an easy point and click interface while the kids play in the toy room or take a nap, or head to the store, waste gas, come home with a beaming migraine because your normally sweet children decided to play "hide and seek" in the clothes rack and you practically had a heart attack when they didn't answer you and you couldn't find them?
Plus, Discounts and Closeout Specials are available everyday! You can even send gifts to friends and familyand allow them to choose what they really want!
And because if you are like me... with juggling busy schedules of my kids, myself and husband, plus house chores, I remember my sister's birthdays, anniversaries, and special events weeks past the actual date, there is a built in gift reminder service!
I need all the help I can get, my Special Event Calender isn't cutting it! Half the time I can't find it!
We also wanted you to be able to set up and create gift registries, because even though running around a store with a laser gun is fun for the first ten minutes, my now, husband declared he was board and repeatedly asked, "Aren't we done yet?", "Can we go home, now?", "Who needs that?" like he was putting me through the "Take Your Kid Shopping Day" Training Camp!
You can even send Ecards with the option to attach a gift and daily news updates and product/company reviews so you don't have to surf to other sites!
Bookmark this site and put it in your favorites You will be so glad you gave it a try. It'll fast become your favorite site!
Then, register for our FREE Newsletter and Report: "EXPOSED: Online Secrets To Get the Best Discounts and Earn Big Money Selling Your Products On The Internet!"
It is like Walmart, a name brand outlet mall, and super garage sales, together and on steroids, all in the convenience of your home!
As always, Let me know what you think and give me an update about your experience!
Take Care,
P.S. If you would rather talk to someone about the discounts and services Call 1-800-719-8268 extension 23388 or if you are (Outside the United States? Dial 1-480-355-5612 extension 23388)
Here is to Shopping, Any Way You Like It!
What could be better right?
Here Are Some Benefits For You:- Convenient Shopping On Your Terms
- The Store is your one-stop source for some of the best products at the best prices in business today. Whether it's big brand name high dollar items or obscure products or services, you can find what you're looking for.
- Enjoy the added convenience of a single login, shopping cart and simple checkout.
- And we can even show you how You can make money by referring people to Amazon, eBay and others, including our 24 Hour Web Cash Referral Program and more.
SHOP with Confidence
- One Simple Shopping basket and checkout for all of your items
- Access to all stores and multiple items from stores like Amazon, eBay, Toys R Us, and more...
- Your account information is securely stored for speedy ordering
COMPARE millions of products in over 400 categories and over 1.37 million products in multiple stores, all in one, easy access (your computer!) location.
You can shop 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and browse the most popular name brand name items from the best stores.
This is the really awesome part...You can make Money And Sell Your own Products and Services! You can even make money from referring people to my store! This is really an ingenious idea. So, SAVE Time And Money With Our One Stop Shop. It is even set up so you can search by product description, store and even best price. I wish I had thought it up all by myself!
Plus, you can register to win $100 in store credits each month!
What is easier... Fast and easy shopping with an easy point and click interface while the kids play in the toy room or take a nap, or head to the store, waste gas, come home with a beaming migraine because your normally sweet children decided to play "hide and seek" in the clothes rack and you practically had a heart attack when they didn't answer you and you couldn't find them?
Plus, Discounts and Closeout Specials are available everyday! You can even send gifts to friends and familyand allow them to choose what they really want!
And because if you are like me... with juggling busy schedules of my kids, myself and husband, plus house chores, I remember my sister's birthdays, anniversaries, and special events weeks past the actual date, there is a built in gift reminder service!
I need all the help I can get, my Special Event Calender isn't cutting it! Half the time I can't find it!
We also wanted you to be able to set up and create gift registries, because even though running around a store with a laser gun is fun for the first ten minutes, my now, husband declared he was board and repeatedly asked, "Aren't we done yet?", "Can we go home, now?", "Who needs that?" like he was putting me through the "Take Your Kid Shopping Day" Training Camp!
You can even send Ecards with the option to attach a gift and daily news updates and product/company reviews so you don't have to surf to other sites!
Bookmark this site and put it in your favorites You will be so glad you gave it a try. It'll fast become your favorite site!
Then, register for our FREE Newsletter and Report: "EXPOSED: Online Secrets To Get the Best Discounts and Earn Big Money Selling Your Products On The Internet!"
It is like Walmart, a name brand outlet mall, and super garage sales, together and on steroids, all in the convenience of your home!
As always, Let me know what you think and give me an update about your experience!
Take Care,
P.S. If you would rather talk to someone about the discounts and services Call 1-800-719-8268 extension 23388 or if you are (Outside the United States? Dial 1-480-355-5612 extension 23388)
Here is to Shopping, Any Way You Like It!
My Best Life Reveals the Secrets of Free Advertising
The opportunities for getting free advertising for your product or services are limited only by your own imagination and energies. There are so many proven ways of promoting your objectives without cost that it literally boggles the mind just to think of listing them.
One way is to write an article relative to your particular expertise and submit it to all the publications and media dealing in the dissemination of related information. In other words, become your own publicity and sales promotions writer. Get the word out; establish yourself as an expert in your field, and "tag-along" everything you write with a quick note listing your address for a catalog, dealership opportunity, or more information.
Another really good way is by becoming a guest on as many of the radio and television talk shows or interview type programs as possible. Actually, this is much easier to bring about than most people realize. Write a letter to the producer of these programs, then follow up with an in-person visit or telephone call. Your initial contact should emphasize that your product or service would be of interest to the listeners or viewers of the program--perhaps even saving them time and money.
Other ways of getting free or very inexpensive exposure include the posting of advertising circulars on all free bulletin boards in your area, especially the coin-operated laundries, grocery stores, and beauty and barber shops. Don't discount the idea of handing out circulars to all the shoppers in busy shopping centers and malls, especially on weekends. You can also enlist the aid of the middle school students in your area to had out circulars door-to-door.
Some of the more routine methods include having a promotional ad relative to your product or service printed on the front or back of your envelopes at the time you have them printed with your return address.
Be sure to check all the publications that carry the kind of advertising you need. Many mail order publications just getting started offer unusually low rates to first-time advertisers; a free-of-charge insertion of your ad when you pay for an order to run three issues or more; or special seasonal ad space at greatly reduced rates. And there are a number of publications that will give you Per Inquiry (PI) space--arrangement where all orders come in to the publication, they take a commission from each order, and then forward the orders on to you for fulfillment.
Many publications will give you a contract for space. In this arrangement you send them your ad, and they hold it until they have unsold space, and then at a price that's always one third or less the regular price for the space need, insert your ad. Along these lines, be sure to check in with the suburban neighborhood newspapers.
If you send out or publish any kind of catalog or ad sheet, get in touch will all the other publishers and inquire about thepossibilities of exchange advertising. They run your ad in their publication in exchange for your running an ad for them of comparable size in yours.
Finally, there's nothing in the world that beats the low cost and tremendous exposure you get when you advertise a free offer. Simply run an ad offering a free report of interest to most people--- a simple one page report with a "tag-line" inviting the readers to send money for more information, with a full page advertisement for your book or other product on the backside. Ask for a self-addressed stamped envelope, and depending on the appeal for your report and circulation of the publication in which your ad appears, you could easily be inundated with responses!
The trick here, of course, is to convert all these responses, or a large percentage of them, into sales. This is done via the "tag-line," which issues an invitation to the reader to send for more information, and the full page ad on the back of the report, and other offers you include with the complete package you send back to them. As mentioned at the beginning of this report, it's just a matter of unleashing your imagination. Do that, and you have a powerful force working for you that can help you reach your goals.
Thank You,
MARY GERSTEN , Global Cash Flow Network
for sharing your article!
One way is to write an article relative to your particular expertise and submit it to all the publications and media dealing in the dissemination of related information. In other words, become your own publicity and sales promotions writer. Get the word out; establish yourself as an expert in your field, and "tag-along" everything you write with a quick note listing your address for a catalog, dealership opportunity, or more information.
Another really good way is by becoming a guest on as many of the radio and television talk shows or interview type programs as possible. Actually, this is much easier to bring about than most people realize. Write a letter to the producer of these programs, then follow up with an in-person visit or telephone call. Your initial contact should emphasize that your product or service would be of interest to the listeners or viewers of the program--perhaps even saving them time and money.
Other ways of getting free or very inexpensive exposure include the posting of advertising circulars on all free bulletin boards in your area, especially the coin-operated laundries, grocery stores, and beauty and barber shops. Don't discount the idea of handing out circulars to all the shoppers in busy shopping centers and malls, especially on weekends. You can also enlist the aid of the middle school students in your area to had out circulars door-to-door.
Some of the more routine methods include having a promotional ad relative to your product or service printed on the front or back of your envelopes at the time you have them printed with your return address.
Be sure to check all the publications that carry the kind of advertising you need. Many mail order publications just getting started offer unusually low rates to first-time advertisers; a free-of-charge insertion of your ad when you pay for an order to run three issues or more; or special seasonal ad space at greatly reduced rates. And there are a number of publications that will give you Per Inquiry (PI) space--arrangement where all orders come in to the publication, they take a commission from each order, and then forward the orders on to you for fulfillment.
Many publications will give you a contract for space. In this arrangement you send them your ad, and they hold it until they have unsold space, and then at a price that's always one third or less the regular price for the space need, insert your ad. Along these lines, be sure to check in with the suburban neighborhood newspapers.
If you send out or publish any kind of catalog or ad sheet, get in touch will all the other publishers and inquire about thepossibilities of exchange advertising. They run your ad in their publication in exchange for your running an ad for them of comparable size in yours.
Finally, there's nothing in the world that beats the low cost and tremendous exposure you get when you advertise a free offer. Simply run an ad offering a free report of interest to most people--- a simple one page report with a "tag-line" inviting the readers to send money for more information, with a full page advertisement for your book or other product on the backside. Ask for a self-addressed stamped envelope, and depending on the appeal for your report and circulation of the publication in which your ad appears, you could easily be inundated with responses!
The trick here, of course, is to convert all these responses, or a large percentage of them, into sales. This is done via the "tag-line," which issues an invitation to the reader to send for more information, and the full page ad on the back of the report, and other offers you include with the complete package you send back to them. As mentioned at the beginning of this report, it's just a matter of unleashing your imagination. Do that, and you have a powerful force working for you that can help you reach your goals.
Thank You,
MARY GERSTEN , Global Cash Flow Network
for sharing your article!
Free Advertising,
Making Money On-line,
Increasing Traffic Makes My Life The Best!
See the Blog Rush Box? Go check it out! It is amazing and it's free! You just have to apply and be accepted!!
When you go to the link you can watch a short video to describe how it works!
When you go to the link you can watch a short video to describe how it works!
Making Your Best Life Through Links
A fellow "Blog Trainer" from www.kidskeystosuccess.com/forum, asked if I had links I recommended... I set up a site to help you out!
Mom Marketeers: One for All!
I was once just starting out. I had an idea about what I wanted to do and absolutely NO clue about how to do it. It was a gigantic learning curve for me. If I knew now what I didn't know then, I don't know if I would have taken it on!!
But I would have offered a person who gave me a site like this, the right to ----------------------(you finish that statement!)---------------.
It would have been that important to me!
I am so glad I did, though! I have met some awesome people and I love meeting more. I find huge satisfaction is helping people and I can do it from my computer!! I LOVE IT!!
(In my previous life, before children, I was a psychotherapist...it's in my blood to link people up with resources and tools!!)
So, Let me know what you think and how I can further assist you. I'd love the feedback
Mom Marketeers: One for All!
I was once just starting out. I had an idea about what I wanted to do and absolutely NO clue about how to do it. It was a gigantic learning curve for me. If I knew now what I didn't know then, I don't know if I would have taken it on!!
But I would have offered a person who gave me a site like this, the right to ----------------------(you finish that statement!)---------------.
It would have been that important to me!
I am so glad I did, though! I have met some awesome people and I love meeting more. I find huge satisfaction is helping people and I can do it from my computer!! I LOVE IT!!
(In my previous life, before children, I was a psychotherapist...it's in my blood to link people up with resources and tools!!)
So, Let me know what you think and how I can further assist you. I'd love the feedback
Mom marketers,
"Syndicated": My Best LIfe Now

I want to answer another question posed, ("What is RSS?") to me on the forum, Blog Train...
This box symbolizes I offer a feed of my site that can be sent to a viewer's RSS reader. I use IE and goggle as my email home page, so I can go to my RSS reader (the same symbol you would see in your menu bar in the upper right section of your Google home page) when I log in.
It allows me to see at a glance if my favorite RSS feeds (listing of sites) have been updated. (How nice is that!) You can have RSS feeds sent to your blog but I wouldn't use it as the only content to your sight.
If you find something that is relevant to your sight and (it'd be best to get approval from the site you want the feed for on your site) is used to inform your viewers of important info, then go for it.
Wp-o-matic and other readers are called a "plug-in" you can install to get a full feed, otherwise most RSS feeds will give you just a snippet or brief discription of the content.
There is also a black-hat technique you can use to increase sales but because it is considered "black hat" I won't go into it and I don't use it. But if you really want to know, just think about ot for a bit. I'm sure you can come up with a winning theory! :)
If you want to learn more about how to use RSS feeds, I will leave the nitty-gritty up to Armand Morin, the ultimate Marketing Guru. You can learn more about him, his products, and software (which he has some awesome ones!) at Internet Marketing Explained.
Createing Your Best Life By Driving More Traffic
This post isn't about being stuck in rush hour traffic, you're late for your daughter's lesson for the tenth time, and you need to move all the cars, buses, and trucks out of the way, ahead of you.
An answer to that scenario... I'd say you are, "Sh**, out of luck!"
However, I received a question yesterday about "having difficulty driving traffic to my site...any suggestions?"
Well, I have been learning to do the very same thing so I'll share with you what I have found out so far...
1- Update your blog as much as possible with as much content as possible.
2- If you can't post every day, it is recommended to have a rss feed with wp-automatic (for full content to be posted not just a title)
3- Design your blog for SEO:
a) put adsense on it or other ads
b) make your title match the name of your blog (remember search engines
love consistency) like title of blog "Kids' Keys To Success" so a title of a post would be
something like "Interviews with Kids' Keys To Success". And then you should
mention your title of your blog at least twice in the body of the post.
c) Make as many links to your site as possible with other sites and blogs i.e. (blog
d) us your tag clouds or keywords for your posts (this will make your key words jump
out for the search engines)
e) Have others comment to your posts. This makes more links to your blog for the
search engine to pick up.
f) As it is now, search engines don't love flash graphics.
g) use photos, videos and audios on your blogs and sites because it captures your visitors
for a longer period of time (they tend to stay on your site
4- Write a press release and submit with links back your sites.
5- Write articles and submit so that other people will post on their sites linking it back to
your blog or sites
6- Adhere to the "golden rule"
7- Do jv (joint venture) with others who have a bigger "targeted list" already built
8- Go to http://www.pingoat.com/ and submit your blog to a bunch of services for free.
9- Add to all your correspondence your signature line including a link to your web site and a little description to intice people to click on it.
10- Oh, how could I forget?... go to http://www.kidskeystosuccess.com/forum and register! :)
An answer to that scenario... I'd say you are, "Sh**, out of luck!"
However, I received a question yesterday about "having difficulty driving traffic to my site...any suggestions?"
Well, I have been learning to do the very same thing so I'll share with you what I have found out so far...
1- Update your blog as much as possible with as much content as possible.
2- If you can't post every day, it is recommended to have a rss feed with wp-automatic (for full content to be posted not just a title)
3- Design your blog for SEO:
a) put adsense on it or other ads
b) make your title match the name of your blog (remember search engines
love consistency) like title of blog "Kids' Keys To Success" so a title of a post would be
something like "Interviews with Kids' Keys To Success". And then you should
mention your title of your blog at least twice in the body of the post.
c) Make as many links to your site as possible with other sites and blogs i.e. (blog
d) us your tag clouds or keywords for your posts (this will make your key words jump
out for the search engines)
e) Have others comment to your posts. This makes more links to your blog for the
search engine to pick up.
f) As it is now, search engines don't love flash graphics.
g) use photos, videos and audios on your blogs and sites because it captures your visitors
for a longer period of time (they tend to stay on your site
4- Write a press release and submit with links back your sites.
5- Write articles and submit so that other people will post on their sites linking it back to
your blog or sites
6- Adhere to the "golden rule"
7- Do jv (joint venture) with others who have a bigger "targeted list" already built
8- Go to http://www.pingoat.com/ and submit your blog to a bunch of services for free.
9- Add to all your correspondence your signature line including a link to your web site and a little description to intice people to click on it.
10- Oh, how could I forget?... go to http://www.kidskeystosuccess.com/forum and register! :)
Give Me More "Happiness" Traing! Part 3
Although most people are unnecessarily harsh in their assessments of his/her self, it is easy to become too hopeful when you start breaking down barriers. If, for instance, you love music and want to be a singer, it would be unrealistic to set your goal to be a singer when you sing off key because some talents are inborn. But if you are knowledgeable about the music business and would be happy being involved in another capacity, then it would be reasonable to pursue your happiness and career in that business.
Caution, don’t make reasonable goals unattainable because of a stringent time frame. When you set a goal, you will most likely set times for achieving the steps along to achieve your final goal. Even if you don't set the time frames formally, you will probably have a pretty good idea of how long you are giving yourself. It's recommended to sit down and formally set these goals.
Think about it and give yourself reasonable time to achieve them. Make a deal with yourself to make these time limits flexible. Life has a way of interrupting (like man's best friend decides to eat your favorite sock and he is need of emergency surgery!).
Don't get discouraged if things don't work as planned. Sometimes finding our place takes both time and error. All of us experience failure. The key is to view the failure as a learning what not to do. (Edison found over 1000 ways not to make the light bulb!)
Remain flexible. As long as you keep focusing on your talents and potential, the right piece will come along - and probably sooner rather than later. But don't quit! Even if you have truly found your niche, you will not feel enthusiastic 100 percent of the time. (You can't expect to have your own Saturday Night Live Cheerleader next to your computer!)
Don't worry about others - don't compare your progress with others. No matter how successful you are, there will always be someone else who looks like she's getting where you want to go faster and easier than you are. Maybe she is. Maybe she isn't. Who really cares? Focus on your own achievements. There is NO room for competition…work to develop your skills and talents to their full potential (Would you have thought that cute little, Mickey Mouse Club, Britany Spears would have turned out like she did?).
If you must compete, compete with yourself. Your short term goals should be based on today's accomplishments. If you have reached Point A today, make Point B your next objective - improve yourself and don't worry about the other guy. You have decided what your ultimate goal is and make sure it is a well-defined goal. "Someday I want to be famous" just doesn’t cut it.
Define exactly what you want to do. Define a legitimate time frame. Know what you have to do to get there. The smallest detail is not important but the big picture and many of the big details do matter. Answer “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, and “how” (act like you are a reporter and you have to find the story).
If you have a goal in mind but don't know what it takes to reach it, then you need to find out. Do some reading, talk to people who know, ask questions and LISTEN to the answers.
Does this sound like a lot of work? It should, you are doing what is needed to be successful and happy. One phrase is very true… “Happiness isn’t free.” Because those who have it know you have to work at it.
Anyway, a little research into what it takes to reach your goals isn’t too difficult because it is something you want to do. Train yourself into making this "research" the next chapter of your life. You will be focusing on your strengths, on your purpose, and on learning and doing. If you have chosen a goal that is right for you, focusing on these things and devoting the necessary time should not be too difficult.
It may take a bit of self-discipline at first, but your determination and interest will carry you through until the focusing process becomes a habit.When you have a real desire to accomplish something, your initiative should only require an occasional shove - you may need to give it a nudge every once in a while.
Get into the habit of visualizing your success. Not sitting around and daydreaming in generalizations. I mean, you need to visualize specifics. Picture in your mind how you will work your play to your goal if your opponent makes a play. What will your next response be, how will you react? Visualize the specifics.
If you run through the specific moves in your mind, you will be prepared.Don't be afraid to use your imagination to visualize new and better ways to accomplish things. In your mind, do the things in ways that are different from your usual response. This is a creative process – called creative thinking.
Training yourself to think creatively is largely learning to let your imagination work on methods that are different from the "way things have always been done." Also referred to as "thinking outside the box". (One definition of insanity is doing the same thing every time and expecting a different result.)
This is breaking away from the idea that there is only one way to do something effectively. It's looking at a problem from all angles. One way to start is by asking "what if?" It's good to think “outside the box”. But, you must also spend some of your thinking time at specific visualizations of the moves you need to make to accomplish yourgoals. (Just like when a basket ball player is passed the ball... what could she do with that ball then?)
Physical practice of your skills is also critical to success. Practice the boring little skills that are necessary as well as the skills you enjoy. Don't let yourself rely on just the things that come naturally and easy to you, work your weakest assets to develop them. (*Hint: Work on your weakness in the morning when you are fresh and put a time limit on it and save the easier, more enjoable stuff for the afternoon when your energy level is lower.)
Work on developing the more general attributes that are important to any goal:
1) Success comes more easily to those who have an agreeable personality (don’t bend over backwards to please every person’s wishes, but be respectful and true to your beliefs). So be flexible, accept other’s ideas, seek out and learn from others;
2) Learn to minimize emotional responses. We are all susceptible to errors in judgment; strong reactions have little place in decision making, however. Hold your emotions in check. Try to delay decisions if you are in an emotional state. Learn to ignore your emotions and use reasoning to arrive at your decisions;
3) Develop the habit of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a magnet - it draws people and success. It's a pleasing personality trait that people like to be a part of. Be contagious - it sparks initiative and purpose; and
4) Develop the habit of focusing on your goals, on your strengths, on learning and "researching," on visualizing, and, of course, on enthusiasm.
Now you need to assess your habits that may be annoying to others. Offensive habits can hold you back from success. It will be very difficult to assess your habits accurately. After all, a habit is something we do without thinking much about it. You will have to spend some time at this and be very conscious of yourself. Ask someone you trust to help you and then substitute that habit with a more pleasing behavior.
OK. Now, you have set definite goals, you have a purpose, you have researched and know the specific steps to take to achieve the goals, you have resolved to be flexible, and to further develop your pleasing personality.
Now, what? Well, success will not drop into your lap overnight. As you advance toward your goals, you will come against some difficult people, and there will be times you'll need to deal effectively with them. Since you are working on becoming a nice, enthusiastic person and a team player, you already have half the battle won. Your attitude is as important as the other guy's attitude when you are dealing with difficult people.
Keep in mind your job is a training field for you. View your job as a paid opportunity to advance toward your goals. You will be a happier, a more productive person. Viewing your job in this manner will allow you to view the difficult people you come across as an opportunity to grow. From them and the situations they create, you will learn to negotiate with, side-step around, and draw out the best in others without letting yourself become upset.
Each time you successfully deal with one of these people you will gain confidence and friends to add to your support network. The skill of negotiating is not a contest of wills - it is working together to solve a problem or come to an agreement. It is an opportunity to learn.
● Be prepared
● Know who you are talking with (always know as much as possible about the person, this information will be the most effective way to get your point across).
● Know the issue - not just your opinions about it.
● Always enter into negotiations with a calm and reasonable manner (be courteous and leave them a chance to save face (A really good one to remember when you are arguing with your spouse!)).
● Be prepared to face people who are not calm and reasonable (don't let them get to you).
● Play "Let's Make A Deal," (be prepared to not get everything you want). To develop your potential to it's fullest, you need to become a more efficient and effective person - get more done in less time with magnetism. The first barrier to efficiency is procrastination - putting off getting started. (Like Nike, “Just Do It!”)
So how do you beat procrastination? Get organized and plan ahead. Know what you want to accomplish and make lists. Now look over the lists and rank the tasksin order of importance. Make three or four groupings based on importance. Within each group, star the things you least like to do.
Each day you will have a "today" list to work on. Tackle the tasks that are most important first. If you have several "most important" tasks, do the least liked things first. When you have accomplished a task, check it off. You'll be surprised at the sense of accomplishment you will have at checking things off.
Do you see what is happening? You get the most pressing, least liked tasks out of the way early in the day when you are fresh and rested. As the day goes on you will feel less and less pressure. You have reserved the less important tasks for the end of the day when you will be more tired.
With this system you will increased your efficiency and reduced your stress because stress gets in the way of efficiency. Another important part of efficiency is delegating. If you are in a position where you have assistants or designated people under your supervision, you need to learn to delegate. If you are not in such aposition yet, you still need to know - since you're working on developing your potential you very likely will be some day.
Delegating work is difficult for many people. Some find it hard to ask others to do things for them - others find it hard not to demand thatothers do tasks. Delegating is an art.First, you need to realize that the people under your supervision are PEOPLE. You should never demand - it takes away self respect. People who are asked to do a task, are given explanations and clear instructions, and are praised for a job well done will grow self-respect and loyalty.
When you delegate work, don't delegate just the "junk" tasks. Delegating important task shows them your respect for them and the faith you have in their abilities. So, it's a good idea to save some "junk" tasks for yourself. Perhaps the most respected and effective boss is the one about whom the crew says, "She never gives us anything to do that she wouldn't do herself."
All of us have untapped potential, perhaps even areas of genius, we have neglected to develop. What ever your concept of success, developing your potential will help you achieve your goals. If you learn to assess your potential, set realistic goals, and go after those goals with determination, organization, and purpose, youwill use your potential more fully, gain confidence, and be a happier and more successful person.
Jen Edwards is a WAHM with two children she attributes as the cherry on her sundae! (Not to mention, the sweet syrup, and creamy whipped cream!). Jen lives in upstate, NY with her husband of 10 years and children. Although her house is rather “lived-in”, she is finding greater meaning and satisfaction every day! To read more of Jen’s articles and work please visit my blog and my Peak Performance Store.
My Best Life Now © 2008
Caution, don’t make reasonable goals unattainable because of a stringent time frame. When you set a goal, you will most likely set times for achieving the steps along to achieve your final goal. Even if you don't set the time frames formally, you will probably have a pretty good idea of how long you are giving yourself. It's recommended to sit down and formally set these goals.
Think about it and give yourself reasonable time to achieve them. Make a deal with yourself to make these time limits flexible. Life has a way of interrupting (like man's best friend decides to eat your favorite sock and he is need of emergency surgery!).
Don't get discouraged if things don't work as planned. Sometimes finding our place takes both time and error. All of us experience failure. The key is to view the failure as a learning what not to do. (Edison found over 1000 ways not to make the light bulb!)
Remain flexible. As long as you keep focusing on your talents and potential, the right piece will come along - and probably sooner rather than later. But don't quit! Even if you have truly found your niche, you will not feel enthusiastic 100 percent of the time. (You can't expect to have your own Saturday Night Live Cheerleader next to your computer!)
Don't worry about others - don't compare your progress with others. No matter how successful you are, there will always be someone else who looks like she's getting where you want to go faster and easier than you are. Maybe she is. Maybe she isn't. Who really cares? Focus on your own achievements. There is NO room for competition…work to develop your skills and talents to their full potential (Would you have thought that cute little, Mickey Mouse Club, Britany Spears would have turned out like she did?).
If you must compete, compete with yourself. Your short term goals should be based on today's accomplishments. If you have reached Point A today, make Point B your next objective - improve yourself and don't worry about the other guy. You have decided what your ultimate goal is and make sure it is a well-defined goal. "Someday I want to be famous" just doesn’t cut it.
Define exactly what you want to do. Define a legitimate time frame. Know what you have to do to get there. The smallest detail is not important but the big picture and many of the big details do matter. Answer “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, and “how” (act like you are a reporter and you have to find the story).
If you have a goal in mind but don't know what it takes to reach it, then you need to find out. Do some reading, talk to people who know, ask questions and LISTEN to the answers.
Does this sound like a lot of work? It should, you are doing what is needed to be successful and happy. One phrase is very true… “Happiness isn’t free.” Because those who have it know you have to work at it.
Anyway, a little research into what it takes to reach your goals isn’t too difficult because it is something you want to do. Train yourself into making this "research" the next chapter of your life. You will be focusing on your strengths, on your purpose, and on learning and doing. If you have chosen a goal that is right for you, focusing on these things and devoting the necessary time should not be too difficult.
It may take a bit of self-discipline at first, but your determination and interest will carry you through until the focusing process becomes a habit.When you have a real desire to accomplish something, your initiative should only require an occasional shove - you may need to give it a nudge every once in a while.
Get into the habit of visualizing your success. Not sitting around and daydreaming in generalizations. I mean, you need to visualize specifics. Picture in your mind how you will work your play to your goal if your opponent makes a play. What will your next response be, how will you react? Visualize the specifics.
If you run through the specific moves in your mind, you will be prepared.Don't be afraid to use your imagination to visualize new and better ways to accomplish things. In your mind, do the things in ways that are different from your usual response. This is a creative process – called creative thinking.
Training yourself to think creatively is largely learning to let your imagination work on methods that are different from the "way things have always been done." Also referred to as "thinking outside the box". (One definition of insanity is doing the same thing every time and expecting a different result.)
This is breaking away from the idea that there is only one way to do something effectively. It's looking at a problem from all angles. One way to start is by asking "what if?" It's good to think “outside the box”. But, you must also spend some of your thinking time at specific visualizations of the moves you need to make to accomplish yourgoals. (Just like when a basket ball player is passed the ball... what could she do with that ball then?)
Physical practice of your skills is also critical to success. Practice the boring little skills that are necessary as well as the skills you enjoy. Don't let yourself rely on just the things that come naturally and easy to you, work your weakest assets to develop them. (*Hint: Work on your weakness in the morning when you are fresh and put a time limit on it and save the easier, more enjoable stuff for the afternoon when your energy level is lower.)
Work on developing the more general attributes that are important to any goal:
1) Success comes more easily to those who have an agreeable personality (don’t bend over backwards to please every person’s wishes, but be respectful and true to your beliefs). So be flexible, accept other’s ideas, seek out and learn from others;
2) Learn to minimize emotional responses. We are all susceptible to errors in judgment; strong reactions have little place in decision making, however. Hold your emotions in check. Try to delay decisions if you are in an emotional state. Learn to ignore your emotions and use reasoning to arrive at your decisions;
3) Develop the habit of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is a magnet - it draws people and success. It's a pleasing personality trait that people like to be a part of. Be contagious - it sparks initiative and purpose; and
4) Develop the habit of focusing on your goals, on your strengths, on learning and "researching," on visualizing, and, of course, on enthusiasm.
Now you need to assess your habits that may be annoying to others. Offensive habits can hold you back from success. It will be very difficult to assess your habits accurately. After all, a habit is something we do without thinking much about it. You will have to spend some time at this and be very conscious of yourself. Ask someone you trust to help you and then substitute that habit with a more pleasing behavior.
OK. Now, you have set definite goals, you have a purpose, you have researched and know the specific steps to take to achieve the goals, you have resolved to be flexible, and to further develop your pleasing personality.
Now, what? Well, success will not drop into your lap overnight. As you advance toward your goals, you will come against some difficult people, and there will be times you'll need to deal effectively with them. Since you are working on becoming a nice, enthusiastic person and a team player, you already have half the battle won. Your attitude is as important as the other guy's attitude when you are dealing with difficult people.
Keep in mind your job is a training field for you. View your job as a paid opportunity to advance toward your goals. You will be a happier, a more productive person. Viewing your job in this manner will allow you to view the difficult people you come across as an opportunity to grow. From them and the situations they create, you will learn to negotiate with, side-step around, and draw out the best in others without letting yourself become upset.
Each time you successfully deal with one of these people you will gain confidence and friends to add to your support network. The skill of negotiating is not a contest of wills - it is working together to solve a problem or come to an agreement. It is an opportunity to learn.
● Be prepared
● Know who you are talking with (always know as much as possible about the person, this information will be the most effective way to get your point across).
● Know the issue - not just your opinions about it.
● Always enter into negotiations with a calm and reasonable manner (be courteous and leave them a chance to save face (A really good one to remember when you are arguing with your spouse!)).
● Be prepared to face people who are not calm and reasonable (don't let them get to you).
● Play "Let's Make A Deal," (be prepared to not get everything you want). To develop your potential to it's fullest, you need to become a more efficient and effective person - get more done in less time with magnetism. The first barrier to efficiency is procrastination - putting off getting started. (Like Nike, “Just Do It!”)
So how do you beat procrastination? Get organized and plan ahead. Know what you want to accomplish and make lists. Now look over the lists and rank the tasksin order of importance. Make three or four groupings based on importance. Within each group, star the things you least like to do.
Each day you will have a "today" list to work on. Tackle the tasks that are most important first. If you have several "most important" tasks, do the least liked things first. When you have accomplished a task, check it off. You'll be surprised at the sense of accomplishment you will have at checking things off.
Do you see what is happening? You get the most pressing, least liked tasks out of the way early in the day when you are fresh and rested. As the day goes on you will feel less and less pressure. You have reserved the less important tasks for the end of the day when you will be more tired.
With this system you will increased your efficiency and reduced your stress because stress gets in the way of efficiency. Another important part of efficiency is delegating. If you are in a position where you have assistants or designated people under your supervision, you need to learn to delegate. If you are not in such aposition yet, you still need to know - since you're working on developing your potential you very likely will be some day.
Delegating work is difficult for many people. Some find it hard to ask others to do things for them - others find it hard not to demand thatothers do tasks. Delegating is an art.First, you need to realize that the people under your supervision are PEOPLE. You should never demand - it takes away self respect. People who are asked to do a task, are given explanations and clear instructions, and are praised for a job well done will grow self-respect and loyalty.
When you delegate work, don't delegate just the "junk" tasks. Delegating important task shows them your respect for them and the faith you have in their abilities. So, it's a good idea to save some "junk" tasks for yourself. Perhaps the most respected and effective boss is the one about whom the crew says, "She never gives us anything to do that she wouldn't do herself."
All of us have untapped potential, perhaps even areas of genius, we have neglected to develop. What ever your concept of success, developing your potential will help you achieve your goals. If you learn to assess your potential, set realistic goals, and go after those goals with determination, organization, and purpose, youwill use your potential more fully, gain confidence, and be a happier and more successful person.
Jen Edwards is a WAHM with two children she attributes as the cherry on her sundae! (Not to mention, the sweet syrup, and creamy whipped cream!). Jen lives in upstate, NY with her husband of 10 years and children. Although her house is rather “lived-in”, she is finding greater meaning and satisfaction every day! To read more of Jen’s articles and work please visit my blog and my Peak Performance Store.
My Best Life Now © 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Finding "Happiness", Part 2
If you go after “happiness”, directly, it is vague as is self-esteem. They are elements of our persona that are there inherently, yet only continue to thrive if nurtured and exercised. So, the secret to achieving these characteristics is to focus on other things.
First, focus on your gifts/talents. Begin by listing an accurate assessment of your potential. To do this you must take an inventory of yourself.
Sit down and make a list of all the things you can do well. (Hint, the more honest you are with yourself the better.) Then, make a list of all the things you like to do, even if you think you can't do them well. Then, make a list of all the things you would like to do, if you could (no exceptions, no excuses). Now list your hobbies.
Now, go back to the list of things you do well. More than likely you are being too hard on yourself. Most of us are. We often have tiny voices in our head telling us things like: "You're so dumb,"; "You can't do that"; "You never do anything right"; or some similar nasty things. The worst part is we have listened to this voice and allowed it to stop us from doing what we want to do, like it has authority over us!
Don’t do that any longer! Don’t let that voice continue to control your life and happiness. Just think… that tiny, negative voice has influenced so many of your choices in the past. What if your true, authentic voice took over and revealed the truth? What if you told yourself to do all those things you wanted to do and you believed it? Can you imagine how strong, successful, and happy you would be?
Turn that disruptive, demoralizing voice off! Although it can be hard to do at first, once you do it will be SO liberating! You can do it! Then add a few more things to the list of things you can do well. Pretend you are your best friend. Write a note to yourself (it's amazing how supportive and encouraging we are with our friends!). Now that you are your best ally, you should be able to add a few more items to your "do well" list. But do be honest - don't list things you feel you really can't do well.
Next, go to your list of things you like to do but you feel you don't do well. Speaking as your own best friend, do you think there are some things on this list that could be moved to your "do well" list? More than likely, there are. If you like to do it, chances are you do pretty well at it. Now, do the same with your hobby list.Next, go to your list of things you would like to do if you could. Ask yourself, "Why can't I do this?" Put your reasons on another list.
OK. So you have a lot of lists going – what is it worth? Well, you have just made an assessment of yourself. If you have been truly honest in making these lists, it will be a pretty accurate assessment. Even if it is not, it is OK because this assessment isn't carved in stone. It's subject to change (just like you!). But for now we will workwith what's on the lists. It is a great place to start.Look over your lists again. Are you focusing on all the things you feel you can't do and the reasons why you can't do them? DON’T!
FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO - FOCUS ON YOUR POTENTIAL. Make it a habit to focus on your strengths. Write them down on a little paper (maybe a word or two to remind you of the whole list) and carry it with you and look at it every now and again.
Plus, include your undeveloped potential, as well. Train yourself to focus on your abilities instead of your limitations.Just because I am asking you to focus on the “can do” pieces, don’t ignore your list of excuses for not doing the things you want to do. But look atas “How can I make this happen?” Make your “limitation” not important.
You see the difference? Focusing on your excuses allows your weaknesses to make your decisions for you. However, focusing on your assets lets YOU make the decisions. When you' decide to overcome your limitations with something you really want to do, you will be more determined to develop your strengths to compensate.

Then, you will do well, because you will be doing what you really want to do. Thus you are developing the full potential of your strengths. Very few people concentrate on fully developing any of their strengths. Deciding to master a skill takes dedication and drive. Now, you have the edge. You know your true disadvantages but your will, your purpose, will drive you to fully cultivate the talents and skills you do have.
So, what is your greatest interest? What are your natural abilities? Go for it. Devote yourself to something you really like to do. Don't choose something just because you think you could make more money at it. Do the work that you love. If you don’t love it you won’t work at it to develop your full potential. You may start with enthusiasm, but you will soon fall short and it will be a chore to work.
It'll become difficult to work on improving your skills because you won't like what you are doing. No doubt, you won't be working up to your potential. Your success will be limited by your lack of interest and your happiness will surely be affected.
On the flip side, if you devote yourself to something you really like to do, you'll enjoy your work, you'll be enthusiastic, and you'll probably find yourself working on improving your skills just for the sheer joy of it. You will be working to reach your full potential. You'll probably soon find you are making more money at this truly interesting occupation than you ever dreamed possible. And because you like what you are doing, you will be happier.
When you know you are working to your full potential and you enjoy your work and feel successful. You will find, then that self-confidence andhappiness follow.But, the key is you must be realistic and honest with yourself. If you set goals that you can't possibly reach, you are setting yourself up for failure. Youwill make yourself frustrated and unhappy.
Jen Edwards is a WAHM with two children she attributes as the cherry on her sundae! (Not to mention, the sweet syrup, and creamy whipped cream!). Jen lives in Victor, NY (a small suburb in upstate NY outside of Rochester) with her husband of 10 years, daughter Emily (age 4) and son Sam (age 2), dog, Gussy, and kitty, Winchester. Although her house is rather “lived-in”, she is finding greater meaning and satisfaction every day! To read more of Jen’s articles and work please visit my blog and my Peak Performance Store.
My Best Life Now © 2008
First, focus on your gifts/talents. Begin by listing an accurate assessment of your potential. To do this you must take an inventory of yourself.
Now, go back to the list of things you do well. More than likely you are being too hard on yourself. Most of us are. We often have tiny voices in our head telling us things like: "You're so dumb,"; "You can't do that"; "You never do anything right"; or some similar nasty things. The worst part is we have listened to this voice and allowed it to stop us from doing what we want to do, like it has authority over us!
Don’t do that any longer! Don’t let that voice continue to control your life and happiness. Just think… that tiny, negative voice has influenced so many of your choices in the past. What if your true, authentic voice took over and revealed the truth? What if you told yourself to do all those things you wanted to do and you believed it? Can you imagine how strong, successful, and happy you would be?
Turn that disruptive, demoralizing voice off! Although it can be hard to do at first, once you do it will be SO liberating! You can do it! Then add a few more things to the list of things you can do well. Pretend you are your best friend. Write a note to yourself (it's amazing how supportive and encouraging we are with our friends!). Now that you are your best ally, you should be able to add a few more items to your "do well" list. But do be honest - don't list things you feel you really can't do well.
Next, go to your list of things you like to do but you feel you don't do well. Speaking as your own best friend, do you think there are some things on this list that could be moved to your "do well" list? More than likely, there are. If you like to do it, chances are you do pretty well at it. Now, do the same with your hobby list.Next, go to your list of things you would like to do if you could. Ask yourself, "Why can't I do this?" Put your reasons on another list.
OK. So you have a lot of lists going – what is it worth? Well, you have just made an assessment of yourself. If you have been truly honest in making these lists, it will be a pretty accurate assessment. Even if it is not, it is OK because this assessment isn't carved in stone. It's subject to change (just like you!). But for now we will workwith what's on the lists. It is a great place to start.Look over your lists again. Are you focusing on all the things you feel you can't do and the reasons why you can't do them? DON’T!
FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO - FOCUS ON YOUR POTENTIAL. Make it a habit to focus on your strengths. Write them down on a little paper (maybe a word or two to remind you of the whole list) and carry it with you and look at it every now and again.
Plus, include your undeveloped potential, as well. Train yourself to focus on your abilities instead of your limitations.Just because I am asking you to focus on the “can do” pieces, don’t ignore your list of excuses for not doing the things you want to do. But look atas “How can I make this happen?” Make your “limitation” not important.
You see the difference? Focusing on your excuses allows your weaknesses to make your decisions for you. However, focusing on your assets lets YOU make the decisions. When you' decide to overcome your limitations with something you really want to do, you will be more determined to develop your strengths to compensate.
Then, you will do well, because you will be doing what you really want to do. Thus you are developing the full potential of your strengths. Very few people concentrate on fully developing any of their strengths. Deciding to master a skill takes dedication and drive. Now, you have the edge. You know your true disadvantages but your will, your purpose, will drive you to fully cultivate the talents and skills you do have.
So, what is your greatest interest? What are your natural abilities? Go for it. Devote yourself to something you really like to do. Don't choose something just because you think you could make more money at it. Do the work that you love. If you don’t love it you won’t work at it to develop your full potential. You may start with enthusiasm, but you will soon fall short and it will be a chore to work.
It'll become difficult to work on improving your skills because you won't like what you are doing. No doubt, you won't be working up to your potential. Your success will be limited by your lack of interest and your happiness will surely be affected.
On the flip side, if you devote yourself to something you really like to do, you'll enjoy your work, you'll be enthusiastic, and you'll probably find yourself working on improving your skills just for the sheer joy of it. You will be working to reach your full potential. You'll probably soon find you are making more money at this truly interesting occupation than you ever dreamed possible. And because you like what you are doing, you will be happier.
When you know you are working to your full potential and you enjoy your work and feel successful. You will find, then that self-confidence andhappiness follow.But, the key is you must be realistic and honest with yourself. If you set goals that you can't possibly reach, you are setting yourself up for failure. Youwill make yourself frustrated and unhappy.
Jen Edwards is a WAHM with two children she attributes as the cherry on her sundae! (Not to mention, the sweet syrup, and creamy whipped cream!). Jen lives in Victor, NY (a small suburb in upstate NY outside of Rochester) with her husband of 10 years, daughter Emily (age 4) and son Sam (age 2), dog, Gussy, and kitty, Winchester. Although her house is rather “lived-in”, she is finding greater meaning and satisfaction every day! To read more of Jen’s articles and work please visit my blog and my Peak Performance Store.
My Best Life Now © 2008
make money,
Tellman Knudson
How WAHM Meet Their Potential

If you want to use your talents and increase your ability to give to others, you'll have to exercise them. You'll really need to challenge your creative left sided brain! Only you can make up your mind to do something different.
This process starts with identifying your current habits and deciding which habits need to change. Ask yourself, "Is this habit (i.e. watching TV at night) going to get me where I want to go?
To learn new skills and completely utilize your gifts, you need to determine your interests; what don't you like and what do you like. Sometimes just finding out those two things can be a challenge.
Then, I recommend, with the qualities you don't like, dare to look deeper into the "things" you don't like and do them!! You will exceed any goal you make by doing this! By doing this you will improve the way you do things, the quality of your work, your appreciation for what you already have, and your well-being as a whole.
What defines success? Luck, intelligence, talent, determination, and dedication are just a few of the characteristics that play into making the difference. But we all know smart, gifted, hard-working people who do not considerthemselves very successful, content, or even happy. Plus, we know people who are not exceptionally bright but declare his/her self to be happy and successful.So there is something else.
Would you care to guess what the secret to happiness could be? Is it a magic "happy" pill, is it weight loss, and is it more money? I am sure many advertisers would like you to believe that! Could you believe your secret to success and realizing your dreams is the same thing for everyone!?
There are several ways to achieve desires and surpass you identified potential, but it all starts with the way you perceive your self - self image. Your ability to meet your potential in life (work, relationships, hobbies, etc.) based upon how you think of yourself. Dissatisfaction and discontent is something you choose.
So you have two options if you want to be "happy"...lower your expectations of yourself or rise to challenges. Have you ever heard "Happiness lies in the journey, not the destination"? What do you think this really means?
Is it that "happiness" is the expectation of something, the thrill and challenge of just not yet getting what we want, or it is that unclear, shadowy spot just out of our reach because no one in their right mind chooses to be miserable. NO! It is not - - - Happiness is a conscious decision every single moment! Being present, in the moment and believing you are doing everything you can be doing, right now.
This is the secret to happiness! We have to consciously choose to be happy, self-confident, and successful. (And I don't mean exaggerated, boastful, and bragging.)
self esteem,
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