by Dustin Cannon
Multi level marketing often gets a bad rap in the business world. Sometimes, that reputation is deserved. Unfortunately, by nature of its structure, multi level marketing lends itself to scams.
Many legitimate multi level organizations exist, but there are also tons of these companies that run pyramid schemes, ponzi schemes and that simply have set up to try and bilk their "reps" out of their hard earned money.
The good news is that a bad multi level marketing scam is relatively easy to spot if you know what to look for.
If you avoid companies whose main source of income is derived from joining fees and encouraging new members to sign up and if you avoid companies that charge their reps such high prices for the products that making a profit is next to impossible, then you can easily navigate your way through all of the multi level marketing scams to find a set up that could actually allow you to make a profit. But once you find that opportunity, is it really the right one for you? How do you know if you will be successful in multi level marketing?
For entrepreneurs like you, multi level marketing is all about sales. You have to be able to go out there and sell, sell, sell.
That often means having the gift of the gab and being comfortable talking to and giving your pitch to all different kinds of people. It also usually means being comfortable in front of a room of people making a pitch, and you have to be confident enough to make cold call sales, where you're often to face a great deal of distrust at first. You need to have a knack in figuring out the best approach for the person you want to sell to, and you need to have the ability to switch between different sales approaches with ease.
Above all else, you need to be able to sell without seeming insincere or aggressive - but you still need to make the sale. Selling in this way is usually an innate talent. Some people can do it and some people can't.
Be honest with yourself about your sales skills. Will you be able to step up to the plate to the extent that you need to close your deals, or is selling not really your strong suit? Your success in multi level marketing will be determined by the answers to these questions.
In addition to selling well, you have to be able to find you own sales opportunities. This can mean marketing yourself and your services and always keeping an ear to the ground for a new opportunity. You'll have to constantly develop new avenues for your sales, which can be tremendous time commitment - time when you're not actually making any money.
If you can manage these tasks, however, multi level marketing can be a very lucrative and rewarding career. Simply honestly evaluate your skills, and you could hit a multi level marketing home run.
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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