Monday, July 28, 2008

Simple Facts About The Chinese Language To Make Your Life The Best

The most popular language spoken in China is Mandarin, which is based on a dialect spoken in Beijing. It has recently been recognized as the official language of China, as well as those in Taiwan, and one of 4 official languages spoken in Singapore. Also, this language has now become one of the six official languages used in the United Nations.

Most dialects often consist of words spoken by their ancestors, back when China was made up of various different ethnic groups. Like many large countries, it was only after these groups came together under the Chinese empire, that they united the languages they spoke.

It is important to note China uses a standard formal written language; No matter what dialect they speak, their written language is the same. The various dialects of spoken Chinese use tones. Areas in North China use up to three tones, while in Southern China they use as many as 10 different tones.

When Manarin was used in China's education system and as the language for carrying out instructions, rules and laws, nearly every person in mainland China now speaks Mandarin.

Today, more people want to learn Mandarin in the Western hemisphere. Up until about 10 years ago, it was difficult to find someone who could teach others Mandarin. We have become to realize the importance of being able to communicate with this culture. Today, there are many schools across the US where it is now being taught, as well as, many high quality home-study courses.

In 1991 there were about 2,000 people taking the Chinese language proficiency test. This figure had risen to 117,660 in 2005. In fact, the Ministry of Education in China believe there are over 30 million people around the world learning Mandarin currently.

Thanks to Impact Lab for the Photo

The 2 Top Reasons to Learn Chinese

1)China is quickly becoming a world leader econimcally...don't you want to be able to communicate effectively?

With China's recent economic explosion, it's quickly becoming a necessity to at least have the skills needed to work with them. Many major companies are looking for people who can help them communicate and establish themselves in China. The best way to get an edge on your competition in the job market is by being useful in non-traditional qualifications.

2) Establish YOUR business in a thriving market that is hungry for new products and services.

If you happen to own a business of any kind, then it makes complete sense to get your foot in the door with the Chinese speaking cultures as soon as possible. The market is huge, and they are looking for ways to spend money...why not provide them with YOUR products and services?

Is Speaking English: All We Need To Be Successful In The 21st Century?

Jim Rogers
Jim Rogers, the best selling author of Hot Commodities and Adventure Capitalist, states: "If the twentieth century was the American century, then the twenty-first century belongs to China."

If projections hold, China will surpass the United States as the world's largest economy in as little as twenty years. Thus, the time to act is now. This may be tough for some of us to swallow but the the fact is with China embracing the Free Market and coming out of a hibernating phase of being, Asia is hungry for growth, progress, and sustainability.

Their greatest resource is their sheer population.

Jim Rogers is one of the world's most successful investors, so you may wonder what does he know about how to make our small home businesses successful. Well, everything, because with the American economy becoming stagnant, competition for small business will become ultra fierce.

Small American businesses are going to have to find ways to save money and offer unsurpassed quality, and customer service. China is growing so fast and is finding every day how to offer these services. The Net has made the world so small and that is why it is imperative to Learn Chinese. Either that or you will have to find some one you can truly trust to negotiate business for you. If you are like me... like to control all that you can, you will join me in learning Chinese and teaching it to my children.

And if you are interested in learning more about how Chinese is the next world power, no other person than Jim Rogers can explain to you the "amazing energy, potential, and entrepreneurial spirit of a billion people".

Jim recently moved to Asia with his wife and daughter. I'll let you decide what second language his daughter has learned!